You Can Have Freedom from Dentures
July 1, 2018
The Fourth of July is just around the corner! Have you done all the yardwork? Cleaned the house for guests? Made your grocery list to beat the crowd? Put up your flag?
We’re sure you’re excited to see your loved ones this week as you celebrate our country’s freedom. But there’s another freedom we want to talk to you about today, one that could help you enjoy your family gathering even more – freedom from dentures.
If you have dentures, you could be missing out on some basic freedoms others take for granted. Premier Dental can restore those freedoms to you with dental implants. Call your Bordentown, NJ dentist office today for a consultation: 609-298-1124.
Freely Smile, Laugh, & Speak
No one realizes what it’s like to not smile freely unless they have dental problems that cause them not to smile. Perhaps this is you. Many of our dentures patients have shared these frustrations with smiling:
- Covering their mouth when smiling
- Looking down when speaking
- Holding back laughter when someone says something funny because they’re afraid their dentures will come loose
- Mumbling when they speak so no one will see that they’re wearing dentures
- Singing cautiously – or not at all – so their dentures won’t slide out
Every day, Dr. Hema Gopal helps patients restore their freedom to express themselves. One of the most life-altering ways is through implants.
These long-lasting teeth replacements don’t slip or slide because they’re firmly anchored in your jawbone. That makes them function like real teeth – like a natural part of your mouth.
So when you feel like laughing with the grandkids, your teeth will stay in place. You will never think twice about speaking to anyone.
Freely Enjoy Your Food
Another complaint we commonly hear from dentures patients is trouble eating, specifically:
- Pain or discomfort when eating hard foods, crunchy foods, or chewy foods.
- Dentures falling out or coming loose when they eat.
- Having to use denture adhesive before eating.
- Not being able to taste foods like they used to because the denture covers the roof of their mouth.
- Stomach problems from lack of a balanced, nutritious diet.
- Getting sick of eating soft, bland foods.
- Passing up dinner invitations, lunch with co-workers, and parties because they aren’t sure if they can eat anything on the menu – or eat it without their teeth falling out.
- Missing out on fully enjoying a meal without thinking about their teeth.
If you have dentures, you’ve probably felt like they’ve held you back from one of the greatest pleasures in life: eating.
Premier Dental believes eating should never be a chore or a reason for concern. That’s why we offer dental implants. When you’re free from dentures, you’re free to go through the food line without deciding what will or won’t make your dentures move around. You’re free to say yes to corn on the cob when it gets passed around the table. You’re free to drink iced tea without your teeth ending up in the glass.
Come see Dr. Gopal and see how she can give you freedom to choose the foods you want to eat. You may even be able to have your dentures attached to implants for stability.
Freely Enjoy Your Appearance
Did you know that you lose jawbone mass when you wear dentures? Dentures rest on your gums, so they don’t provide your bone with the stimulation it needs. When you lose that bone, it changes your facial structure. You’re more likely to look older than you should.
Would you like the freedom to enjoy the way you look? After Dr. Gopal places your implants, they actually become part of your jawbone. When you eat with your implants, it gives your bone the stimulation it needs. And that means you can prevent bone loss – which means you can preserve your appearance. Your face will look more natural and full.
When you’re proud of your appearance, you smile more. You interact with others more. Our patients have used their newfound confidence in their appearance to further their careers, expand their social circle, and even take risks on relationships they otherwise would have been afraid to.
Gain the Independence You Deserve with Dental Implants
When it’s time to take the group photo at your next family gathering, you won’t try to hide behind anyone or hide your smile. You won’t pass on the BBQ chicken or fruit salad. You’ll simply enjoy the food, friends, and freedom you have with dental implants.
If you’re ready to have freedom from dentures, it’s only a call away. Meet with our Bordentown, NJ dentist by calling 609-298-1124. You can also use our online form to schedule your consultation.